

動詞 + ください

名詞 + ください



  1. Please bring some beer.
  2. Please don’t pick your nose.
  3. Please tell Bryce that I love him.
  4. Please shutup.


  1. An example please.
  2. Coffee please.
  3. I want two beers and some fish & chips please.
  4. Can I have a day-off please?


Adverbs of Frequency

Here are 6 words you ought to remember.

always いつも(する)
often よく・しばしば
sometimes ときどき
rarely / seldom たまに・めったに
never いつも・全然(しない)

Here are some examples about my life.

  • Bryce is always right.
  • Most of my students often drink alcohol.
  • Sometimes, I like to walk around in my underpants.
  • I seldom write kanji.
  • My wife never apologizes.

Easy, don’t you think?

It’s your fault!!

A useful word to know in English is “fault“, or “所為” in Japanese.

Here are some common usages.

  • This is your fault.
  • It’s Bryce’s fault that we’re late.
  • It’s not my fault !
  • Whose fault is this?
  • You are at fault.  You’d better apologize.
  • The investigation found many people to be at fault.

Give it a try.  But it’s not my fault if you make a mistake!!!

“I’m OK” vs “OK”


…..外国人の同僚は I’M OK と言うけど、たまに OKと言います。何が違いますか?

「I’M OK」と「OK」は似ているけど全く違う意味です


質問:Would you like something to drink?

答えA:I’m OK.(いいえ。大丈夫です。)



Move, move, move and move


1. 動かす

  • Who moved my bag?
  • She moved her lips silently.
  • Please move your car, I can’t exit.

2. 動く

  • Don’t move! There’s a snake behind you.
  • Something big is moving outside.
  • He moves like a dancer.

3. 感動する

  • This book is quite moving.
  • I was moved by your speech.
  • Her passionate dance moved me.

4. 引っ越しする

  • Recently, I moved to Okinawa
  • Can you help me move on the weekend?
  • I want to move to a bigger apartment.