Thanks so much everybody!!! I had such a fun time at the school party. But I drank too much beer and テキーラ梅酒 (>.<) Hahahaha!!
And thanks to Big-Ken and Kumiko for making tako-yaki. It was the first time for me to try home-made tako-yaki. Delicous!!!!
I’m fine thank you. And you?
日本人に「How are you?」を聞くと、答えがほとんど「I’m fine thank you. And you?」。 ネーティブの中、これは有名な話ですよ。私のイメージは、日本人が目から血が出ていても、かならず「I’m fine thank you. And you?」と言います。 (>.<)
「How are you?」と聞かれたら、別の表現を使ったら?または、本当の気分を言った?
Q: How are you feeling?
A: Not so good. あまり良くない。
or Great! すごくいい!
or I’m a little hungry. ちょっとお腹が空いてる。
or I’ve got a headache today. 頭が痛いです。
or I’m sleepy. 眠い。
Great Party in November
FAN-TAS-TIC party!! Lots of people, lots of food, lots of beer, and lots of fun!!!
Here’s a little tutorial about 2 ways to use “free”.
In the upper picture, we can see “動詞free” or “free名詞” or “動詞free名詞”. Basically we’re talking “free” as in “no money required.” So now we can make some examples.
- Free beer!!
- Girls drink free.
- I got a free ticket.
In the lower photo, we are talking about “無し”, and only in the pattern of “名詞free”. For example:
- Calorie free.
- Alcohol free drinks.
- I want a stress free life.
“Free” does have a couple of other usages, but I’ll leave that for another day. 頑張って!!
Easyeigo Hiking!!!!
Thank you everyone. It was a lot of fun!!!
I am Bryce / This is Bryce
Hello Bryce. I am Tomoko.
この場合は「I am Tomoko」で始まるのは可笑しいですよ。「I am 名前」はだいたい初めての挨拶の時に使います。その代わりに、「This is 名前.」または「It’s 名前.」を使った方がいいです。
もう知ってる人にはこのように挨拶します. メールと電話で両方とも同じです。
*** ring ring ***
Bryce: Hello?
Tomoko: Hi Bryce. It’s Tomoko. How are you?
Bryce: Oh. Hi Tomoko. I’m great, thanks.
Hi Bryce. This is Tomoko. Can I change lessons this week? I have to go to the dentist tomorrow.
OKですか? もし質問があったら、聞いてね!